Contact Us
Reach out to us with any questions about investing or borrowing. You can use these buttons or scroll down to find out more information. The email and email list button will open a draft email to us on your computer. The call button will call us directly from the related app on your computer.
Reach out to us with any questions about investing or borrowing
Contact Us
Do you have questions? Email us at with:
- Your first and last name
- Your phone number
- Your organization (if applicable)
- Your question
And we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. You can also reach us right away by calling 888-822-3863.
Cornerstone Fund
1300 East 9th Street – Suite 1605
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
888-UCC-FUND (888-822-3863)
The Cornerstone Fund lending difference
The Cornerstone Fund offers competitively priced and low-fee financing options—from $10,000 lines of credit to multi-million-dollar loans—that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of churches and non-profit organizations, including accessibility improvement projects. Cornerstone Fund representatives work exclusively with churches and non-profit organizations to ensure plans and budgets are well structured and complete. Plus, many organizations find that the Cornerstone Fund offers a better financing package than a local bank.